EBC Stylesheet
Études britanniques contemporaines
Please note that the following specifications apply to articles in English.
1. Presentation
All proposals should be sent to the issue’s editor and the director of publication Jean-Michel Ganteau ( jean-michel.ganteau@univ-montp3.fr) who will dispatch anonymous copies to the members of the reading committee. Please send a Word file (attached file in rtf format). A résumé, an abstract of your proposal (see below 5) together with a brief biographical note and keywords will also be required.
Papers must not exceed 35000 signs/spaces (30000 is considered a fairly average quantity), including notes and bibliography/Works Cited. Only in exceptional circumstances can significantly longer papers be considered.
It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that the preliminary and the final versions of their papers fully conform to this style.
2. Main text: format and style
The title of the paper, the names(s) of the author(s) and the author’s affiliation are to be typed on the top of the first page. Please do not use capital letters except at the beginning of words, when required (see below).
Spacing should be identical for the text and quotations. All quotations should be inserted between single inverted commas (‘ ’, as opposed to “ ” or even » « ) except when they include several paragraphs, or a piece of dialogue or a quotation in verse, in which case they should be indented (1 cm), without any quotation mark. Please note that there should be no space (‘quotation’ and not ‘ quotation ’). Please do not type quotations in italics or in bold type. Use double quotation marks (“ ” and NOT » « ) for quotations within quotations. Please remember that punctuation signs should always be placed outside quotation marks.
Words inserted in quotations should appear between square brackets—e.g. [sic] words omitted from quotes should be indicated by three spaced periods: . . .
The text should not be divided into numbered sections. With the exception of the first paragraph, new paragraphs are to be indented. Paragraph indentation: 1 cm. Please, use automatic indentation as opposed to manual tabulation at the beginning of each paragraph.
Please number the pages, but do not use headers or footers.
No extra space (carriage return) should mark the separation between paragraphs, but such spacing may be used between two paragraphs if you want to signal a move from one section/part of the demonstration to another.
The text should always be justified on both sides.
Use italics for foreign words or emphasis. Do not use bold face for emphasis. Dashes: use — without any space before and or after the dash.
3. Footnotes
Those should be content notes and must be inserted using the automatic Word function. This means that there should be no purely biographical footnotes as references will be inserted into the text as parenthetical notes. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively and indicated in superscript in the text. Note numbers are inserted in the text AFTER single punctuation marks and OUTSIDE inverted commas.
As there will be a list of works cited, reference notes (parenthetical form) should be cited at the appropriate point in the text by giving the name of the author and page number(s). If there are two works by the same author, please add the date of publication after the author’s name. In the case of two works by the same author published in the same year, use an alphabetical specification. Parenthetical notes should conform to the following format: (Ward 63) or (Ward 1991, 63), or (Ward 1992b, 63). Note that a full stop follows the parenthetical note when it is inserted in the text while the parenthetical note follows a full stop or ellipsis sign at the end of an indented quotation.
Do not use the abbreviations op. cit. or ibid.
Note that in titles of books and journals in English, all words (except for articles, prepositions, and conjunctions, unless these are initial) should be capitalised. Conversely, in French titles, only the first word should be capitalised (this does not apply to names or titles within the title). Please remember to insert the required accent on the initial when necessary in French (Éssais and not Essais). Title and subtitle are separated by a colon, not a full stop. All titles of books and journals should be italicised whereas titles and articles should appear between quotation marks in roman type. Please do not use bold type in titles.
4. Bibliography/Works Cited
Give publishers’ names in as brief a form as possible, e.g. “Blackwell” and not “Basil Blackwell”. Do not include “Publishing” or “Press” or “Company”, etc. If a book has more than one place of publication, please give the first one only. University presses will be abbreviated according to the following patterns: “Manchester UP”, “U of Toronto P”, “OUP”, “PUF”.
Please be sure to provide the page numbers of articles in both books and journals (do not use the abbreviation “p.” or “pp.”, please), as well as the volume, date and (if applicable) issue numbers in the case of journal articles.
In citing page numbers, do not abbreviate a terminal page number beginning with the same number— e.g. use 271-278 and not 271-78.
Here is a sample of bibliographical references (monographs, collections, reference books and periodicals):
ALTHUSSER, Louis, ‘Idéologie et appareils idéologiques d’état. (Notes pour une recherche),’ 1970.
Ebook. http://classiques.uqac.ca/contemporains/althusser_louis/ideologie_et_AIE/ideologie_et_AIE.pd
ARENDT, Hannah, L’humaine condition, trad. Georges FRADIER et al., Paris: Gallimard, coll. Quarto, 2012. BLAYAC, Alain, “Le gentleman et son double ou a métamorphose avortée”, Lectures d’une œuvre : The
Remains of the Day, ed. François GALLIX, Paris: Editions du Temps, 1999, 93-103. CAMPBELL, Jane, “Kitchen Window”, Spectator,27February1982,25.
FOWLER, Roger, Linguistics and the Novel (1977), Arrowsmith: Bristol, 1985.
FREUD, Sigmund, “Negation”, The Freud Reader, ed. Peter GAY, London: Vintage, 1995, 24-26. HUTCHINGS, David, “English Fiction”, WorldLiteratureToday64.3(1990),463-464.
JOYAU, Isabelle, “Le discours du leurre dans les romans de Kazuo Ishiguro”, Étudesanglaises50.2 (avril- juin 1997), 533-543.
PEGON, Claire, “‘View from Bridges’: Perspectives of Banality in Ishiguro’s An Artist of the Floating World”, ed. Max DUPERRAY, Le banal dans le roman britannique contemporain, Annales du monde Anglophone 6 (1997), 97-108.
PERLOFF, Marjorie, Edge of Irony. Modernism in the Shadow of the Habsburg Empire, Chicago: The U of Chicago P, 2016.
SNAITH, Anna, Modernist Voyages. Colonial Women Writers in London, 1890-1945, Cambridge: CUP, 2014.
VORDA, Allan and/et Kim HERZINGER, “An Interview with Kazuo Ishiguro”, Mississippi Review 20 (1991), 131-154.
Please note that the author’s name is typed in small capitals. If you do not know how to use those, please use low case letters and NOT plain capitals.
1. Résumés/abstracts
Please add an abstract in English (with title in English) and a résumé in French (with title in French) of
your article (around 1000 spaces/signs) saved in an independent file.
2. Biographical note
Please provide a short biographical note (around 1000 spaces/signs) starting with your name and written in the first person. This should be saved in the same file as the abstract.
For further information, please contact Jean-Michel Ganteau (jean-michel.ganteau@univ- montp3.fr).
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