PhD Seminar organised by EMMA and SEW 27-28 November 2014
University Paul-Valéry Montpellier, Site Saint Charles-Salle 126Convened by Nicolas Boileau (AMU-SEW) and Christine Reynier (EMMA) Organised by L. Haghshenas, L. Ke, X. Le Brun and A. Yesref (EMMA)
2 p.m.• opening of the PhD seminar by M. Ganteau, Head of the Doctoral School 58
Humility in Woolf’s Fiction
Chair: David Bradshaw
2.15 p.m. • Nicolas Pierre Boileau (Aix-Marseille University-LERMA)
Knowledge and the Humility of the Subject in Mrs Dalloway
3 p.m. • Xavier Le Brun (University Paul-Valéry Montpellier- EMMA/ENS Lyon)
Leaving Jacob Room: Narratorial Humility in Jacob’s Room
4.15 p.m. • Victoria Levêque (University Paris III-Sorbonne Nouvelle)
What’s in the Shadow of a Doubt? Woolf, Joyce and Ontological Humility
5 p.m. • Christine Reynier (University Paul-Valéry-Montpellier-EMMA)
Woolf, Property, Illegitimacy and Poverty
Humble Genres, Humble Influences
Chair: Christine Reynier
9 a.m. • Lingxiang Ke (University Paul-Valéry Montpellier-University of Bergamo)
Virginia Woolf’s Humble Art of Letter Writing
9.45 a.m. • Wassila MOURO (University of Tlemcen, Algeria)
Humble Woolf, the Victorian Heritage and Metafiction
10.30 a.m. • Julie Chevaux (University Paris III-ENS Lyon)
The Voyage Out and A Room with a View: E. M. Forster, early Woolf and the Comedy of Manners
Chair: Nicolas Pierre Boileau
11.45 a.m. • Rossana Bonadei (University of Bergamo, Italy)
In Wireless Conversation. Virginia Woolf and the BBC
12.30 am. • Adèle Cassigneul (Université Toulouse Jean-Jaurès)
Betwixt and Between: Virginia Woolf and the Art of Craftsmanship
Humble Bloomsbury
Chair: Rossana Bonadei
2 p.m. • David Bradshaw (Oxford University, UK)
A Very Sympathetic Spectator: Woolf, Coarseness and the Contours of Obscurity
2.45 p.m. • Leila Haghshenas (University Paul-Valéry Montpellier- EMMA)
Leonard Woolf: Between Elitism and Humbleness
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