Société d'Etudes Anglaises Contemporaines

Author seac

CFP: ENSFR Annual Conference — Lisbon 2022 October 27-29 Short Fiction as World Literature

In Death of a Discipline, Gayatri Spivak mentions the problematic identification of “literature” with the novel form in comparative literature (2005: 123). Her concern with our general blindness to non-hegemonic forms recalls the consternation frequently shown in short fiction criticism… Continue Reading →

SEAC 2022 Conference: Ways of Picturing, Thinking and Telling Our Time (Metz 20-21/2022)

Ways of Picturing, Thinking and Telling Our Time: Fifty Years of Seeing with John Berger Scroll down for French version. Call for Papers International Conference, October 20th-21st, 2022. With a keynote lecture by Tom Overton.             2022 marks the 50thanniversary… Continue Reading →

Atelier SEAC/Nouvelles SAES 2022

Atelier 5 : Société d’Études Anglaises Contemporaines / La Nouvelle de langue anglaise Responsables de l’atelier : Vanessa Guignery (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon) et Gérald Preher (Université d’Artois) Jeudi 2 juin 13h30 – Clémence Laburthe-Tolra (Université Paul Valéry – Montpellier 3) Fractured Landscape, Divided Society,… Continue Reading →

Modernism and Matter CFP

Modernism and Matter  13-14 October 2022 Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier3 An International workshop organised by EMMA (Université Paul-Valéry Montpellier3) in collaboration with CIRPaLL (Université d’Angers)  This workshop on modernism and matter is an incentive to interrogate the meaning of matter, and… Continue Reading →

EBC 61 – Invisible Lives, Silent Voices

Alice Borrego et Héloïse Lecomte Introduction: Invisible Lives, Silent Voices in the British Literature, Arts and Culture of the 20th and 21st Centuries [Texte intégral]  Exposing Processes of Invisibilisation and Silencing Guillaume Le Blanc To be is to be perceived, not to be is not to be… Continue Reading →

CFP Congrès de la SAES 2022

————————— Congrès de la SAES. Université de Clermont-Auvergne – 2 au 4 juin 2022.  « Failles » / « Faults and Fault Lines » Atelier 5 : Société d’Études Anglaises Contemporaines (SEAC) / La Nouvelle de langue anglaise  In Salman Rushdie’s The Ground Beneath Her Feet,… Continue Reading →

SEAC 2021 conference – Avignon Université

SEAC Conference: ‘Disrupting’ the City: Urban Cris(e)s in Contemporary British Literature and Art Avignon Université, 14-15 October 2021 Salle 0E32 – Campus Centre ville Convened by Elsa Cavalié& Justine Gonneaud (Avignon Université / ICTT) THURSDAY 14 OCTOBER  Morning Session 9am     Welcome 9.15 – 9.30     Conference… Continue Reading →

Atelier SEAC/Nouvelle: Congrès SAES

Congrès de la SAES, université de Tours, 3-5 juin 2021 « Renaissance(s) » Atelier conjoint de la Société d’Études Anglaises Contemporaines (SEAC) / La nouvelle de langue anglaise (Journal of the Short Story in English). Convenors :  Catherine Bernard, université de Paris : Gerald… Continue Reading →

EBC 60: Numéro spécial « Jeunes chercheurs » Jean-Michel Ganteau: Introduction [Texte intégral] Maryam Thirriard: Virginia Woolf, Lytton Strachey, Harold Nicolson and the Aesthetics of the Subject in the New Biography [Texte intégral] Tim Gupwell: Pluralists and Pantheists: Spinoza, Deleuze and the non-fiction of D.H. Lawrence [Texte… Continue Reading →

PUB: Reading Ian McEwan’s Mature Fiction: New Critical Approaches

Reading Ian McEwan’s Mature Fiction: New Critical Approaches Dir. Armelle Parey et Isabelle Roblin, Book Practices and Textual Itineraries 13. PU de Nancy-Editions Universitaires de Lorraine. 2020. Les articles réunis dans ce volume proposent un point de vue actualisé sur la production littéraire… Continue Reading →

CFP: Short Fiction in Theory and Practice

The Edinburgh Companion to D. H. Lawrence and the Arts

The Edinburgh Companion to D. H. Lawrence and the Arts, eds. Catherine Brown and Susan Reid (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2020) This book is a stimulating addition to the series The Edinburgh Companions to X and the Arts. Its twenty-eight specially… Continue Reading →

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