19-20 Octobre 2012

Vendredi 19 octobre

Amphithéâtre 150 – Fllash – Université Le Mont Houy

9h15 accueil

Challenging a genre

Chair : Christine Reynier

9h30 Narratives under attack: outrage and reaction in early 20th century espionage novels

Élodie Raimbault (Université Stendhal Grenoble 3)

10h Eminent Victorians, outrageous Strachey: the indecent exposure of Victorian characters and mores.

Floriane Reviron-Piégay (Université Jean Monnet – CELEC- SEMASE)

10h30  questions

10h45 pause

Aesthetics of outrage

11h « Moral outrage and aesthetic outrage in Joyce »

Daniel Ferrer  (ITEM CNRS)

11h30 Resisting Logos: Joyce and Leavis

G R Taneja (University of Delhi)

12h questions

12h15 Déjeuner   Buffet – salle 115 – face à l’amphithéâtre

The voice of outrage

Chair : Daniel Ferrer

14h “A match burning in a crocus”: Virginia Woolf’s Poetics of Revolt

Elsa Högberg (Uppsala University)

14h30 A Far Cry From Within: Virginia Woolf’s Poethics of Resistance

Adèle Cassigneul (Université Toulouse le MIrail)

15h questions

15h15 pause

Outraging outrage

            Chair : Thomas Day

15h30 (out)Rage against the Machine: « Parasexuality » and Subversion in Jean Rhys’s Voyage in the Dark

Catherine Rovera-Amandolese (Paris Dauphine)

16h The Outrageousness of Outrage : Daphne du Maurier’s « Monte Verità »

Christine Reynier (Université Montpellier III-EMMA)

16h30 Evelyn Waugh’s artistic outcry in Love Among the Ruins of a godless world

Julie Morère (Université de Nantes)

17h questions


Samedi 20 octobre

Musée des Beaux-Arts de Valenciennes – Auditorium

10h accueil – café

Poetics of indignation

Chair : Catherine Pesso-Micquel

10h15 (Dis/)Figuring Rebellion: Wilfred Owen and the Legacy of Outrage

Catherine Lanone (Université Paris 3)

10h45 The Age of Outrage abstract: Sean Bonney’s militant poetics

David Nowell-Smith (Paris Diderot, France – Cambridge, UK)

11h15 Savage indignation and petty resentment in the later work of Geoffrey Hill

Thomas Day (University of Central Lancashire, UK)

11h45 questions

12h déjeuner

Scandal & rebellion

Chair : Catherine Bernard

14h « Literature’s ‘fearless daring’: Outrage and Outrageousness in Salman Rushdie’s Essays and Fiction.”

Catherine Pesso Miquel (Université Lyon 2)

14h30 Outrageous Britain, Granta and the rebellion against the English novel

Cécile Beaufils (Université Paris 7).

15h Amis Martin Amis and « The Nature of the Offence » : the expression of outrage and the experience of scandal

Diane Leblond (Université Paris Diderot)

15h30 questions

15h45 pause

Sexual/textual outrage

16h Alan Hollinghurst/Ronald Firbank – Camp filiation as an aesthetics of outrage.

Georges Letissier (Université de Nantes)

16h30 An Outsider’s Outrageous Survival: Metamorphosis in I. J. Kay’s Mountains of the Moon

Jonathan Bloom (Université Paris-Dauphine)

17h questions et cloture du colloque


Télécharger le programme: THE AGE OF OUTRAGE