Webinar #1. November 27th, 2020.
2.30-3.15 CET. Welcome address and introduction.
Dr. Diane Leblond, University of Lorraine.
FromFrankenstein (1818) to Frankissstein (2019). Where is humanity going?
3.15-4.30 CET. Testing the limits of what is ‘human.’ What machines do to us, or what we do to them?
Dr. Renaud Evrard, University of Lorraine.
The Society of the Social Capital: Dictatorship just a click away?
Bettina Vitzthum, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich.
“These violent delights have violent ends”: Infringing on Artificial Bodies in Westworld.
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 930 7080 0258
Passcode: 5HVb9p
Webinar #2. December 4th, 2020.
2.30-4.30 CET. Uncanny companionships: prose fiction and our relationship to tech.
Jana-Katharina Burnikel, Saarland University.
“Pass me the Screwdriver”: Deconstructive Desire in Jeanette Winterson’s The Stone Gods (2007).
Dr. Heike Mißler, Saarland University.
Posthumanism and Ian McEwan’s Machines Like Me(2019).
Dr. Jane Alexander, University of Edinburgh.
Uncanny technology, and the body as site of impact.
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 973 4478 2606
Passcode: 3nnqqJ
Webinar #3. December 11th, 2020.
2.30-4.30CET. Our extended brains, ourselves. Aesthetics, ethics and politics of being human in the digital age.
Pauline Chasseray-Peraldi, Sorbonne University.
The Multiple Eye of The Digital Image: Aesthetics as a Metric.
Paul-Louis Nech, software engineer, Algolia.
Serving Humans? Ethics and Politics of Designing Technologies.
Dr. Rémi Leblond, research scientist, DeepMind.
How to Coevolve with (Intelligent) Machines.
4.50-6.00CET. Round table and virtual conference drinks,withDr. Jérémy FixandDr.Hervé Frezza-Buet, Centrale Supélec, LORIA lab, BISCUIT team (Bio-Inspired Situated Cellular and Unconventional Information Technology).
Meeting URL:
Meeting ID: 994 0851 8970
Passcode: 0tUTpF
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